
The Friday List: Top 5 geeky gadgets I'll (probably) never buy

1. Equally parts daft and cool, the iTech Virtual Keyboard will project a standard qwerty keyboard onto any flat surface. Like, totally space age, dude!

2. The Log1k laptop-in-a-log. Now, I love case-mods and the likes as much as the next geek, but this is almost (ALMOST) over the top. However, I'm seriously considering the iLog.

3. The Firewire Electric Guitar. Ok, so I'd probably never buy a guitar anyway, but this... this... abomination just makes me sad. I'm sure it'll create quite the ruckus in the guitarist camp.

4. A Pin Clock. Oh, wait, that one I'd actually like to get. Seriously. If only IWOOT would ship to Norway... Sigh.

5. The QURO robot from Sony. My oh my, is this thing sweet. It also costs a small fortune.

Hey, this was quite the improvement from previous Friday, wasn't it?

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