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It's that time of the year again. Pumpkin pie, trick or treating, fancy costumes. Now, don't get me wrong, I haven't got anything against Halloween as such it's just that... is NOT a Norwegian tradition. Not by a longshot. Heck, it's so fresh, even I remember when nobody knew about (or cared about, for that matter) this imported "thing". The Norwegian equivalent, Julebukk, has existed for ages and yet nobody seems to remember that, at least not here in the city.
Hey, I am all for kids stuffing their faces with candy once in a while, but not on Halloween - not here in Norway, anyway. Besides, when the kids go julebukk, they have to EARN their goodies by singing Christmas carols, and we all know that working for your candy builds character.
And this has nothing at all to do with the fact that I never got to go trick or treating when I was a kid.
Hah, I strike back! My last posting was so grumpy I actually felt kinda bad about it today, so here's a list over things that made me happy this week:
1. An... acquaintance... supplied me with a heap of beer (24 x 0.33l boxes) at a very comfortable price. Not that I'm much of a drinker, but the Norwegian prices for beer? Pfft!
2. Winter came and went again VERY quickly. Yeah, no kidding: Tuesday it was -5 degrees Celcius and snow on the ground, yesterday it was all gone and a warm (well, warmish) wind of +12 degrees swept across town. Marlboro coat back on its hanger for now.
3. I got "Lost" season 1, "Firefly", "Batman Begins" and "Princess Blade" on DVD. Woohoo!
4. I discovered Antony and the Johnsons (thanks, Kristian!): Holy smokes! Superb stuff, makes me happy, sad and somewhat uneasy all at the same time.
There you go; I'm not that grumpy after all. Of course, it COULD be the cheap beer talking...
October sale frenzy at work. Tired as hell. Leave me alone. Bah.
Ok, so you've fired up your favourite shooter, stocked up on your beverage of choice, turned the lights down and the sound up: What music to shoot-dodge in Max Payne 2 to, waste Zombies in Doom 3 to, or kill mercenaries in Far Cry to? Here are my suggestions:
"I don't wanna be me" - Type 0 Negative. After playing the "Cinema 2" mod for Max Payne 2, this is the de facto shoot'em up tune for me. Rocks hard!
"Ricochet" - Bionic Jive. I first heard these guys on the "Transporter" trailer a couple of years back. Good stuff.
"Here to stay" - Korn. My little bro' suggested this one, so I'll just have to take his word for it.
"Du Hast" - Rammstein. Come on, it works with ANYTHING involving guns: games, movies, comic books. Wünderbar.
"Damn Me" - Deathstars. Ok, so they're so over the top it hurts, but the Swedish death-pop'ers can make some pretty cool riffs. Great for background music in "Doom 3".
"Shock" - Fear Factory. When that guitar kicks in 00:32, I can see myself playing Quake 4 - if I actually had it. A perfect mix of metal and sci-fi.
1. Write stupid Blog entries. Mwahahahahahah.
2. Watch the latest "Lost" episode.
3. Enjoy a nice, hot cup of Earl Grey while watching said episode of "Lost" or - if there is no latest episode of "Lost" to enjoy - re-reading "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy".
4. Scouring the interweb for strange facts, fresh music and cheap DVDs.
5. Watch the "Apple Special Event" broadcast.
Ooook, so.... like, wow. This is a really, really good hoax. I mean, seriously good. So good, I almost felt a little scared watching it:
Tsunami uncovers giant skeleton
Man, that thing is huge! I refuse to believe this is real (even if I'd like to), but if it is - How the heck did you know, Roald Dahl?!
Wow. I need some coffee.
1. Equally parts daft and cool, the iTech Virtual Keyboard will project a standard qwerty keyboard onto any flat surface. Like, totally space age, dude!
2. The Log1k laptop-in-a-log. Now, I love case-mods and the likes as much as the next geek, but this is almost (ALMOST) over the top. However, I'm seriously considering the iLog.
3. The Firewire Electric Guitar. Ok, so I'd probably never buy a guitar anyway, but this... this... abomination just makes me sad. I'm sure it'll create quite the ruckus in the guitarist camp.
4. A Pin Clock. Oh, wait, that one I'd actually like to get. Seriously. If only IWOOT would ship to Norway... Sigh.
5. The QURO robot from Sony. My oh my, is this thing sweet. It also costs a small fortune.
Hey, this was quite the improvement from previous Friday, wasn't it?
I got my Mastercard yesterday. It's very pretty, golden and all that. It's my first credit card, actually. "Why Bit, you're closing in on 30 and you don't have a credit card?! What else haven't you told us?" Ah, but I've never NEEDED one, see. My old card (a plain vanilla VISA/bank card) has worked just fine for me. However, a long story involving my favourite online DVD shop, my old card and a supposed mismatch of certification standards led me to believe I needed a credit card. Well, to be honest, my bank led me to believe I needed one, and preferably a Mastercard. And I trust my bank, ya know.

So there it sits in my wallet, all fresh and shiny and waiting to be abused. I can see a financial disaster striking me within the next three months.
Or perhaps not.
A hot air balloon just landed on the field just across the street from the store where I work. No, really. I think they kinda aimed a little further down and, uhm, sorta missed. They managed to stay clear of a bunch of trees and bushes AND a powerline, which is pretty impressive, though. It was a Remax ballon, by the way. Perhaps they will pay me for this advertisement space?
Sadly, this is about the most exciting thing that has happened this week.