
I'm Only In It For The Money

As some of you may have noticed, dear readers (both of you), I'm a bit into the music-making thingie. Strictly for the love and the hell of it, of course, which kind of makes today a bit special;

My music-making compadre, T, informs me that we have received our first payment from Tono (the Norwegian equivalent to Ascap) for radio-play of our music. Hooray! Now that we're wallowing in cold, hard cash (sounds a bit uncomfortable, really) we'll soon start making crap, meaningless and soul-less music to please the Great Evil Record Company (TM) that will soon own our souls. Where did we go wrong? When did we lose touch with what we're doing? The humanity of it all!

Then again, I guess a hundred bucks (600 Norwegian Crowns) isn't quite enough to make us sell out just yet.

Or is it? Nah, just kidding...

Or am I? Muahahahaha....

No really, I AM kidding.

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