
Birds, commercials and crap dance music

To the person(s) who got the idea for the music for the new Mentos commercial (the one with the birds):
I know that reviving the "No Limits" tune by 2 Unlimited (sic) might have seemed like a good idea at the moment. It's catchy. Maybe even infectiously so. The young 'uns haven't heard it before and think it's cool. And I'm sure that if you chew enough Mentos, you'll feel like there's no limit to what you can do. Or possibly the ad agency O.D'ed on Mentos when they came up with the idea. Whatever.

Now hear ye: bringing back that song is much like what Dr. Herbert West did in Re-animator - and nothing good will come of it. That foul thing is dead and should remain so. I don't know what unholy ritual you performed to bring it back to life, but you crossed the line, man. What you have done, you will eventually pay for. Oh yes.

However, since it's my birthday today and I'm feeling generous, I'll give you a couple of days headstart before I hunt you down and play you "Schnappi, das kleine Krokodil" until you beg me for forgiveness.

Fear me, for I am Geek. And happy birthday to me, dammit.

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