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Music of the day
Being a music freak, I tend to pester my surroundings whenever I discover some (more or less) obscure band, mailing links to everyone I know, waxing lyrically about it at work, over coffee, at parties - I´m sure you know the type. Lately, I´ve made two such discoveries: Mandalaband and Evil Nine. I stumbled unto Mandalaband in a funny way; one of their songs was used as the theme song for a Norwegian TV series that just about every kid (well, every kid in their late twenties) know about (click here if you´re Norwegian). I´ve always loved the song, but not been able to figure out just who made it - I always believed it was composed specifically for the series by some Norwegian musician. Well, a couple of weeks ago I finally found the man behind the music, and bought the wonderful "The Eye of Wendor" album - an hour of late 70s prog-rock bliss! Good stuff.

Evil Nine on the other hand, I found on the highly entertaining I-am-bored website (or was it Kontraband?): a wickedly cool breakbeat romp with a nice flash-animation to boot - how could I resist? Their "You can be special too" album is on its way to me as we speak. I found tasters of all tunes on the album over at Beatport, in case anyone wants to check them out.

Reading through this, I realize my musical taste may appear as slightly eclectic. Rest assured, it is.
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