
What's wrong with me, Doc? (Microsoft Origami revealed)

(The room is softly lit, soothing classical music plays in the background. Bit is laying down on a comfortable-looking sofa, while the shrink is in his chair.)

"So, what seems to be the problem, Bit?"

"I've been feeling a little depressed, Doc."

"Really? And why do you think that is?"

"Well, Doc, as I'm sure you're aware of, the Microsoft Origami was revealed yesterday."

"Mmmm?" (Paper rustling, prepares to take down some notes)

"Yeah, it's this minitablet PC that's able to run both its own OS and Windows XP and even other x86-compatible operating systems. It's got a 7" touch-screen and is about the size of a paperback book. They say it will be able to play music and video, let you surf the web, write e-mails and edit documents. Some models might even include stuff like GPS, Bluetooth and cellular modems."

"Hmm. That sounds pretty cool, doesn't it?"

"Yeah, it does, doesn't it..." (Sighs)

"So, what's wrong?"

"Well... the thing is... I don't really want it."


"Hmm, that's unusual. It is really portable, isn't it?"

"They say it will be two pounds or less."

"...Battery time?"

"They're aiming for a whole days worth, but that remains to be seen."

"And it DOES have a touch-screen, yes?"

"It does." (Sighs)

"Hmm." (Makes a few notes) "How long have you been feeling like this?"

"Ever since I saw the post on Gizmodo."

"A whole day?! Hmm, this is serious." (Makes some more notes)

"...what do you think is wrong with me, Doc...?"

"I think perhaps you might be suffering from a lack of GAS."

"Say what now?"

"G.A.S - Gear Aquisition Syndrome. You seem to the have a critically low amount of GAS."

"Oh my! What shall I do?" (Looks horrified)

"I suggest staying away from all the GAS-fuelled websites for a week or so. Also, try avoiding anything that is made out of brushed aluminium, anything with flat screens and in particular anything with blue or gray LEDs."


"Yes, I know it will be difficult, but during this period of gadget-celebacy you will allow your body to restock its natural GAS resources. Then, you'll be craving small, battery powered marvels of technology just like you used to."

"Wow. Thanks Doc, I'll do my best. How much do I owe you?"

"Well.... How much will the Origami cost?"

"Uhm... About $1000...?"

"Well, then you owe me a grand."

"Greedy b*stard."

"You know I'm worth it."

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