Apple has let the cat out of the bag concerning running Windows on your Intel-based Mac. It's all very beta and "proceed at thy own peril" stylee so far, but you can actually grab it from the Apple site for a limited period:

It'll be part of 10.5 Leopard, it seems. Woopeedeedoo! I'll expect T to give me an indepth review as soon as he's tested it on his brand, spanking new MacBook Pro (I'm not the least bit jealous, by the way, you bastard).
On a sidenote, I'd like to extend my heartfelt sympathy to those poor, underpaid, hardworking people at SAS-Braathens - Norway's premier airline company - who are now on their, uhm, second (third? fourth? I lost count) strike in the last 4 months. You know, I really feel the general public is getting way to hung up on the entire transportation part of your company; I mean, it's not like you guys can't take the train or carpool every major holiday, now is it? Just because SAS-Braathens pretty much has monopoly on flying in Norway, are way overpriced and as reliable as a flock of Leprechauns on speed doesn't mean we should all criticize them the way we do. Really. I love you guys.
Just get me home for feckin Easter holiday, fools.
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