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Since Irony on HighHeels reminded me of the genius of Norwegian cartoonist Frode Øverli:

"Cold feet?" - "A bit!"
...I think someone reading my blog knows why I chose this one. :-P
WARNING: This is a rant. It's not particularly funny. It's about a subject matter I actually care about. It's kinda sarcastic and stingy. If you're a hard-core supporter of New Age, if you're deeply religious or a proud supporter (is there such a thing?) of pyramid schemes, do yourself a favor and look away as chances are you'll be agitated if you read this.
Well, I guess this was bound to happen (after all, the whole "fountain of light" affair a few years back was a pretty good indicator of things to come): Princess Märtha Louise of Norway, has officially announced her clairvoyant abilities and her ability to talk with angels and horses on the website of her latest business enterprise, Astarte Education. Right. For a couple of thousand bucks pr. half year (as part of a 3 year educational package), the good princess and her partner in quack - uhm - sorry, fellow teacher, will educate you on the matters of self realization, healing and speaking to angels: "In this course, you'll get in touch with the angels and learn how to create divine miracles in your life." Indeed!
So, this is usually the part where I in a horrific display of sarcastic skills tear apart the general nonsense of New Age (not to mention the nonsense of charging money for its debatable effects) but guess what? No. Heck no. If anyone goes into this stuff willingly and knowingly - be my guest. Go ahead. Knock yourselves out. Please! And while you're at it, might I suggest some other ways of parting with your money quickly:
- Invest in a pyramid scheme! By all means, ignore the numerous scandals plastered all over the media for the last ten years, I'm sure YOU will be able to get it right and make a quick and effortless fortune doing so. Break a leg! Just don't go crying to the media to have them tell everyone and his dog your sorry story about losing your life savings in that bonehead manoeuver afterwards. It makes you look kinda stupid for doing it in the first place.
- Join a religious cult! Those guys with the expensive learning material and the wacky alien story spring to mind. Heck, you can even find a slightly less wacky religion to throw your money at, if so inclined. There's always a deity out there desperately in need of a new BMW or swimming pool, I'm sure.
- Burn them! Yes, burn your money - if the übercool gentlemen of KLF can do it, so can you. It's quick, it's easy, and you can possibly make a cultural-political statement in the process. At least if you fire up any significant amount of hard-earned cash.
Or, you can sign up on MY new educational venture, where I will teach you how to see and communicate with pink elephants, blue zebras and red gardening tools, all for the admission price of a couple of bottles of Jack Daniels and the willingness to smash your head into a wall until consciousness and the capacity for rational thought is gone.
Now, me and my invisible friend Harvey are going to have ourselves a nice, down-to-earth discussion about the pop-cultural influences in "Planet Terror" which we saw last night. In particular about the incredible joy of watching Fergie being eaten by zombies.
PS! I don't really have anything against Martha Louise personally. I just wish she'd keep her claimed extrasensory perceptions - and the money she intends to make from them - to herself. Preferably on a small, undiscovered island in the Pacific Ocean.
PPS! To the religions leaders and prominent figures that commented on this whole, sad story: Saying that Martha should be "careful with communicating with angels, as they may not be what they seem, and she might indeed come in contact with evil spirits or demons" - YOU ARE NOT FRICKIN' HELPING! Better keep your mouths shut if THAT was the best response you could muster up. Sheesh.

It was a warm Summer night, with a delicate breeze washing away the heat of the day;
Transfixed, I stared onto this miracle of nature, this most beautiful creation of colors and shapes.
With a sense of awe, I humbly tried to capture the magnificence of it all with my meager camera, as if anything but the finely developed human retina and brain could ever hope to truly see the sight that was before me...
And guess what?
The sunset was pretty darn nice, too. ;)