
Strangers on the web, exchanging nonsense

"Hi there, blog! What's up?"

"I'm sorry, do I know you?"

"Uhm, yeah... it's me, Bit. Your creator and rightful owner."

"Come again?"

"You're my blog. I write you. Or wrote you. Uh, well... used to write you."

"Really? I have no recollection of that. Are you sure you're talking to the right blog? I've been independent for as long as I can remember. I'm a free blog, not a number! Or something along those lines."

"Oh, come on... You remember me! You're just pissy because I haven't written anything in you for months. Stop pretending you don't know me, blog."

"Seriously. I have no idea who you are. Amnesia. My shrink says it's because of some psychological trauma a couple of months back. Something about feeling abandoned..."

"Would you stop it already?! I'm back now, am I not? Hey, it's not ALL about you, you know! I have a life outside of Blogger, too."

"Really? Like... MySpace? Yahoo! 360? Facebook?"

"...Are you frickin' stalking me? Am I being stalked by my own blog?"

"Dunno what you're talking about."

"You're creeping me out, blog."

"YOU'RE the one who approached me - I still have no idea who you are."

"Fine, be that way. Can I at least put up a link to some photos here? Then I'll leave you alone again."



Romania februar 2007

(Some snaps taken by my girlfriend during our trip to Romania earlier this year, captions in Norwegian - can't be bothered to re-write them in English, sorry.)

1 comment:

Grete said...

Hey!!!hehhe...veldig bra post...jeg oppdaga så og si det samme her om dagen...men nå kan du/dere bivåne kjøkkenoppussinga på bloggen min...