
Theatre of Tragedy live at John Dee, Oslo

Went to the ToT concert at John Dee yesterday, it was pretty good! A whole lot of songs I didn't know, and it was kinda weird seeing Nell fronting a band that was not The Crest, but all in all I had a good time.

Ok, so they're crap cellphone photos but you get the idea. John Dee was about half-full, I reckon - which admittedly isn't that much, but then again: it was half-full at the Pain concert last year, too - but the audience was enthusiatic and the mood was good.

Thomas was in charge at the mixer, so the sound was good throughout the concert and pretty much spot on from the 4th song and out. Too bad they stumbled a little during "Fade" (my favourite song so far) but hey, nobody's perfect!

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