
Guitar Hero - part deux

So, my dear readers, I guess you're all dying to know how my prowess as a guitar hero is coming along?
(deafening silence broken by a lone cricket... uhm... cricketing) Ahem, thank you, thank you.

Well, about 4 months in, I can now stumble my way through Pink Floyd's "Wish You Were Here" (the strumming part, not the finger-picking part), Dave Matthews' "Gravedigger" and semi-shred my way through a number of metal-tunes (I like power-chords, I really do) without sounding completely horrible. Just slightly horrible.

Also, I have discovered the fabulous invention that is "Drop-D tuning": Hah! Brilliant! Powerchording with just one finger! Of course, my highly skilled guitarplaying friends (M & K) do not approve of such simple shortcuts on the way to guitar-nirvana (guitarvana?). That doesn't stop me from doing it once in a while, though; good thing I began learning regular chords before I discovered the drop-D or I'd never have bothered trying to learn that dreaded C minor.

C minor sucks. I hate C minor, grrr.

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